Welcome! To the illustrator Jon
This blog is the original content collection of the painter jon covet. I would like to send you a 4-frame comic “MON MON MONSTER” that is being updated every day. We are also doing various social networking services, so we are looking forward to following you.
I started a YouTube channel.
Please subscribe.
Wanderake booth decision
A cold day continues.
The wanderer that will be held at the Port Messe Nagoya this Sunday will have to be warm.
Please make sure that those who come can keep warm.
The booth number has been decided.
The illustration is currently waiting for 4 months.
Those who request in the second half of the event will probably wait half a year.
Our child illustration will ask you about the situation, but you don't have to decide on the spot.
Let's communicate by e-mail.
There is a Christmas present party at Wanderake and each booth will prepare a present.
Our store will bring you three tart-drawn illustrations with a forehead.
Please get it.
See you soon
Let's do our best today.
jon covet

The goal is a serial record of a four-frame cartoon "Peanuts" featuring Snoopy. Currently sending out to the world using Instagram.