Welcome! To the illustrator Jon
This blog is the original content collection of the painter jon covet. I would like to send you a 4-frame comic “MON MON MONSTER” that is being updated every day. We are also doing various social networking services, so we are looking forward to following you.
I started a YouTube channel.
Please subscribe.
Event awareness and improvement
Yesterday's update was still more dangerous than ever. It may be sleepy and sleepy, and if it was lost in a moment, it might have been dropped. I have to keep updating in the morning firmly, but I can write this essay today, but I can't draw MON MON MONSTER, so it will be updated again at night. I must do my best.
Next week, we will participate for the first time in the Wanko festival, Wanderake, held at Port Messe Nagoya. Let's prepare for that. In that respect, I think it was very good that I participated in this child illustration.
There are two improvements that I noticed this time
①Price list that can be seen at a glance
(2) Play “Uchinoko illustration video” on the tablet (QR code next to it)
I noticed that there was no price list, so I replaced it with an order form. Easy to understand and large.
There is a shop that introduces the tablet using it, and I immediately played my child video on the iPad that I had imitated because it was good. It's nice and fun to use something that wasn't made for that. I have to prepare a tablet and mobile battery for playback.
I think that being easy to understand is an important factor, so I want to devise as much as possible.
Charles Chaplin was asked "What is your masterpiece?" And replied "next one". Even Disney, "Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as imagination remains in this world."
So is me. I want to continue my own growth. I don't want to give up growth.
jon covet

I always feel like this
I wonder how ridiculous
The goal is a serial record of a four-frame cartoon "Peanuts" featuring Snoopy. Currently sending out to the world using Instagram.